Pick the Tonys with Talkin' Broadway

re: You light up my life—was played everywhere
Posted by: BroadwayTonyJ 10:57 pm EDT 05/13/24
In reply to: re: You light up my life—was played everywhere - Chazwaza 08:25 pm EDT 05/13/24

The Oscar movie categories had some crazy winners at times and some shocking omissions, especially in the 40's and probably through the 70's. Some composers, most famously Bernard Herrmann through much of his career (The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Vertigo, North By Northwest, Psycho), were snubbed and denied nominations for their best work. David Raksin was graylisted until 1958.

Jerry Goldsmith, who was known to be a jerk (and I'm being polite), was too popular and too successful to be completely fucked over like Herrmann, so his scores did collect 18 nominations, but only 1 win (for a minor score, The Omen). Some times, the nominating committee just wasn't very knowledgeable and made bad choices.

Previous: re: Bizarre Oscar Wins, Nominations, and Omissions in the Music Category - Chazwaza 05:20 pm EDT 05/15/24
Next: CORRECTION: Should Read: "The Oscar music categories" and not "The Oscar movie categories" nmi - BroadwayTonyJ 11:28 pm EDT 05/13/24

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