Pick the Tonys with Talkin' Broadway

you should have seen it in Pasadena
Last Edit: Chazwaza 03:18 am EDT 05/11/24
Posted by: Chazwaza 02:56 am EDT 05/11/24
In reply to: re: What happened to Little Shop? - downtownlw 07:42 am EDT 05/10/24

Re-set in modern day, which was pointless and completely at odds with the actual script and tone and conception of the show... the plant looked like a purple alien plant and never got bigger or moved/talked (Amber Riley voiced it off stage). Every actor was in an entirely different show, George Salazar was in Be More Chill, Kevin Chamberlin was in Little Shop, and the extremely talented MJ Rodriguez as Audrey was directed to play everything like a kitchen sink drama, and it did not work at all because it didn't serve or seem to understand the actual text or score... a musical is not just an idea, it's actually a fully executed piece of writing, written the way is usually for a reason, and can't always just be re-set or work as intended to work if you force a directorial concept onto it just because. Little Shop is a take on specific pieces of culture and entertainment, written in musical genres/styles and with a specific comedic sensibility (and otherwise). At least from what I saw, you gain nothing by setting it now, or by directing against the camp or heightened sensibility.

It wasn't bad, per se, as a performance, again, the cast are all very talented, but it didn't work. With another director that cast could have done a great Little Shop. Alas.

I still haven't seen the off-bway revival.. tickets are consistently too expensive and their rush is barely there, and requires signing up for an app that makes you agree to let it have full access to your social media including posting on your behalf should it want to. But I don't think I could handle Christian Borle's Dentist. I'm not a big fan of his to begin with (talented though he clearly is).

Previous: re: What happened to Little Shop? - downtownlw 07:42 am EDT 05/10/24
Next: Boston was better - Chromolume 12:26 pm EDT 05/11/24

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