Pick the Tonys with Talkin' Broadway

re: “Hamlet” on PBS tonight.
Posted by: student_rush 10:54 am EDT 05/10/24
In reply to: “Hamlet” on PBS tonight. - kieran 03:24 am EDT 05/10/24

Had the misfortune of seeing this with Hamlet's understudy. I fled about 40 minutes in -- a trainwreck of a production. Garish, cheap, tacky, obvious, dull ... so many conflicting simultaneous issues. When oh when will Shakespeare in the Park be, you know, good again? Remember Audra and Anne and Raul in 'Twelfth Night?' Remember Pacino in 'Merchant?' Hamish Linklater, Daniel Sullivan, Jesse Tyler Fergeson, where art thou? Those were the days.

Previous: “Hamlet” on PBS tonight. - kieran 03:24 am EDT 05/10/24
Next: re: “Hamlet” on PBS tonight. - 37Rubydog 07:20 pm EDT 05/10/24

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