Pick the Tonys with Talkin' Broadway

re: Season 2 vs Season 1
Last Edit: JereNYC 11:57 am EDT 05/09/24
Posted by: JereNYC (JereNYC@aol.com) 11:49 am EDT 05/09/24
In reply to: re: Season 2 vs Season 1 - WaymanWong 02:26 am EDT 05/09/24

For what it's worth, I think, had SCHMICAGO been a stage musical, Krakowski would have faced serious competition for a Tony nom from Kristin Chenoweth, Ann Harada, and Dove Cameron, all of whom delivered spectacularly in their featured roles. That's assuming that Cecily Strong's Melissa would be ruled the only leading role in the show, of course. If all four were nominated, the category would be an embarrassment of riches, but, if there was a fifth nominee from some other show, that person would be the likely winner when the SCHMICAGO women all the split the vote.

I was surprised that Cinco Paul didn't start with adapting the far stronger second season first, because I think they truly stand alone and you don't necessarily need prior knowledge of Season 1 to enjoy Season 2. All you have to establish is that Josh and Melissa are a long time couple having trouble conceiving a baby and modify the opening scene to eliminate references to the first season, such as Josh and Melissa purposely dressing for what they're assuming will be a return to the first season setting and their confusion at seeing returning cast members in new roles.

Previous: re: Season 2 vs Season 1 - WaymanWong 02:26 am EDT 05/09/24
Next: re: SCHMIGADOON stage musical - KingSpeed 12:16 pm EDT 05/07/24

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