Pick the Tonys with Talkin' Broadway

re: Ticket Prices: $211 to $442 SPOILERS
Last Edit: BroadwayTonyJ 05:14 pm EDT 05/08/24
Posted by: BroadwayTonyJ 05:12 pm EDT 05/08/24
In reply to: re: Ticket Prices: $211 to $442 SPOILERS - MistressAndy 12:44 pm EDT 05/08/24

From 2011 until today, I would generally make 3 to 5 trips to New York per year, seeing anywhere from 30 to 60 shows a season. Whenever possible, I would purchase general rush tickets. I'd get in line, depending on a given show's popularity, 1 to 3 hours before box office opening and chat a little or a lot with every person there. On a day in which I already had a ticket, I would leave my friend's apartment around 8:30 AM or so, walk over to 54 St. and Broadway, proceed southward to 41st, and wherever I saw people lined up at a theater, I would go over and chat. In this way, I would have a conversation with at least (estimating) 100 total strangers every trip.

When Sleep No More opened in New York, the comments on ATC were contradictory so I began asking people in rush lines about it. I kept an accurate count of what they said -- they were all total strangers in rush lines and not ATC-ers. The comments were primarily negative like "waste of time", "rip-off", "didn't see a cohesive performance of a play" and stuff like that.

However, the young girl in the rush line and the guy in my office were different. The girl said she went to the show, followed people, was led around, and eventually found herself in a very private place or corner with a completely nude male actor. He spoke to her nicely, she liked him, one thing led to another, and they had a very intense, romantic encounter. She described it to me as being wonderful. This girl was a complete stranger to me. She sounded sincere and I believed her.

My co-worker knew nothing about theatre. He went to New York for sightseeing with some buddies, definitely not to see shows, but said they were going to check out Sleep No More, because they heard it was some sort of attraction that featured naked women. When he got back, he gave me some details too graphic to post here. What he told me, though, sounded like a sexual experience.

That's all I know.

Previous: re: Ticket Prices: $211 to $442 SPOILERS - MistressAndy 12:44 pm EDT 05/08/24
Next: The Luck Factor - Michael_212 12:03 pm EDT 05/08/24

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