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re: Will Lindsay Mendez' absences hurt her Tony chances?
Last Edit: MockingbirdGirl 03:15 pm EDT 05/05/24
Posted by: MockingbirdGirl 03:15 pm EDT 05/05/24
In reply to: re: Will Lindsay Mendez' absences hurt her Tony chances? - Zelgo 12:33 pm EDT 05/05/24

Sooo... she's been lying? She didn't have any issues in her first trimester? Is the entire pregnancy a ruse?

Were you one of those who also thought Benanti was just being a prima donna?

Previous: re: Will Lindsay Mendez' absences hurt her Tony chances? - Zelgo 12:33 pm EDT 05/05/24
Next: re: Will Lindsay Mendez' absences hurt her Tony chances? - bobby2 10:39 pm EDT 05/05/24

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